Thursday, April 19, 2012


ketika pada saat itu ada sebuah harapan yang semu
kosong ......
tak seorangpun tau .......
tak seorangpun dapat mengerti .......
kadang nggak peduli....
kadang kepikiran ......
apaaaaa apaaaaan itu yaaa...............
embuuhhhhh ahh.................
maksud nya apaaaaaaa.........
tak bermaksud apa apa .....
njuk ngopooooooo..........
sapa yang salah ..........
sapa yang bener........
 kadang bete........
kadang nyebelin .......
emang bener bener deh .......
siapa yang salah ????
aku atau angan angan ......????
au ah ......
gelap semua......

"demikian berita hari ini , kalo ada persamaan tokoh dan karakter, itu memang unsur kesengajaan "   hahahahaaaa

“If you brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello….”(paulo coelho)

Nice quote……I like it….
Sometimes Many people think that say goodbye is end, actuallyb it’s not true althought I think so. From that quote by paulo coelho, im sure that brave enough to say goodbye will make our life more interested. Hmmm….sometimes it’s difficult to leave the past memory to forget it, we also must remember the past memory because it will be a part of future life, but I don’t know whether it is true or false…..hahaha…just enjoy your life as interested as possible. It’s very difficult when we exist in a place then we have been enjoyed with the environment and suddenly we must leave it……haaaaaa……I can’t imagine it, what happen the next….but according to the experience of many people , when they leave the place which they consider enjoy to the other place, they think that a new place will make them bored. Yaaaaaaach….i think it also make me move off about it……(galau kali yaaa…….)au aaaaaah…….so make a sure that in other place we can better than it……..
“demikian sekilas info , jika ada persamaan tokoh dan karakter , ini merupakan unsur yang sangat di sengaja……hahahahaa  J …..”